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St Matthews Anglican Parish Cheltenham


Safe Ministry

St Matthew’s Cheltenham is committed to ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

We have zero-tolerance of any behaviours that may harm children.

Our parish is committed to the highest standards of safety for children, young people, volunteers and staff.

We adhere to the safety, screening and training requirements of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.

Have concerns? Want more information?

Please contact Mr Erik Dober, our Parish Child Safe Officer.

You can also visit the Safe Ministry page of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.

How to make a complaint

The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne takes all complaints of misconduct very seriously. This information is intended to help you if you wish to make a complaint, have been or are being abused or harassed by clergy or Church officers, including Regional Bishops, in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.

Kooyoora Ltd has been appointed by the Melbourne Diocese to respond to all complaints of misconduct including sexual, physical, spiritual or emotional abuse by clergy or Church officers. Kooyoora Ltd an independent Professional Standards company which undertakes Professional Standards work for non for profit charitable entities.

The first step in making a complaint is to call the recorded information line at any time on:  1800 135 246

All information provided to this service is strictly confidential. The person taking a message on this number will ask you to give a name and your phone number or address so that the Director can contact you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can write to the Director:

Director of Professional Standards

Kooyoora Ltd
PO Box 329
Canterbury VIC 3122

We are a Safe Church